The human body is a complex and intricate system that works in harmony to keep us healthy. The immune system is one part of this system that works to defend us from illness and disease. If you’re feeling run down or have a cold or flu coming on, it’s important to pay attention to your immune system and what you can do to support it. Practicing yoga can be a great way to support your immune system and keep it strong throughout the year.Yoga can help increase your defenses by:
Yoga practice has been shown to lower stress and anxiety levels by as much as 50%, and stress is one of the biggest enemies of the immune system. When our bodies are under stress, our immune systems are put on hold to protect us from danger. Practicing yoga can help you reduce stress and anxiety, which can then allow your immune system to come back online and fight off infections more easily.Yoga also helps increase lung capacity by expanding the diaphragm, which is the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. This expansion helps you take in more oxygen, which helps your body fight off infections and stay healthy.
When you’re feeling run down or have a cold or flu coming on, it’s important to get the kinks out and stay limber. Stretching can help increase blood flow to the muscles and organs in the body, which can increase your body’s ability to fight off infections. Stretching before and after a yoga practice can also help reduce muscle tension and improve your posture, which can help to prevent injuries and support your immune system.Stretching can be done in a variety of positions, including the standing poses, seated poses, and even the poses you do on the floor.
Meditation is another practice that can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can then allow your immune system to come back online and fight off infections more easily. Practicing mindfulness meditation has been shown to lower stress hormones and increase immune system function. This can help you recover from illness and stay healthy throughout the year.Meditation can be done in a variety of ways, including through yoga poses, breathing exercises, or even journaling. There are even smartphone apps that can help guide you through meditation.
The human body is a complex and intricate system that works in harmony to keep us healthy. The immune system is one part of this system that works to defend us from illness and disease. If you’re feeling run down or have a cold or flu coming on, it’s important to pay attention to your immune system and what you can do to support it. Practicing yoga can be a great way to support your immune system and keep it strong throughout the year.